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    PANCE Prep Plan

    To prepare for the PANCE I created a 5 week study plan, Monday through Friday from 9am until I finish my assigned work for the day (hopefully around 6pm), Saturday I will review the topics from the week followed by a Mock PANCE block of questions from Rosh Review, leaving Sundays for rest.

    Each day I plan to study a specific topic as well as do 2 sets of 60 questions per day (AM & PM). Questions will be from Rosh Review, Kaplan, and ExamMaster. After each set of questions I will review the topics I answered incorrectly using PPP and SmartyPance.

    I plan to take 2 full length practice exams. The first on 1/7 (right after the review course). After the review course and 1/7 practice exam will re-identify areas of weakness and tailor studying towards those areas. The second practice exam will be on 1/17. The final week of study will be for high yield topics and topics I identify as weaknesses based on the full length exam on 1/17.

    I will start by studying weakness based on the EOC, then progress through the higher percentage subjects based on the PANCE blueprint from PAEA.

    EOC weaknesses:







    PANCE blueprint highest percentage topics:





    -followed by endo, HEENT, neuro, reproductive

    1RESTPsych  EENT  Neuro  Ortho/RheumHematologyMock PANCE questions
    2RESTID  CardioPulmGIEndoMock PANCE questions
    3RESTReview course    Review course    Review course    Review course  Practice ExamMock PANCE questions
    4RESTGU/RenalDermatologyReproductiveTopic based on examTopic based on examMock PANCE questions
    5RESTPractice ExamTopic based on examTopic based on examTopic based on examTopic based on examMock PANCE questions