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    History and Physical


    Identifying Data:

    Full Name: Mr Z

    Address: Not Disclosed

    Age: 71 years

    Date & time:7/14/2021 9:30 AM

    Location: NYPQ 

    Religion: Not disclosed

    Source of Information: Self

    Reliability: Reliable

    Source of Referral: Self

    Mode of Transport: Self

    Chief Complaint: “Nausea and vomiting” x1 day

    History of Present Illness:

    71 year old Mandarin speaking male with past medical history of HTN, DM, ESRD on HD (Tue, Thu, Sat at Trude) presented to the ED complaining of multiple episodes of nonbilious nonbloody vomiting and nausea x1 day. Associated with upper abdominal discomfort, chills, subjective fever, and feeling generally unwell. Symptoms began after eating breakfast, have been improving since he stopped eating. Has not missed dialysis or any daily medications. Urinates 1-2x per day.  In ED systolic BP was >200 and developed SOB with O2sat 92%, was started on BIPAP for concern of pulmonary edema and fluid overload.

    Denies CP, diarrhea, constipation, LE edema, headache

    Past medical history:

    DM– controlled on current regimen

    HTN – poorly controlled on current regimen, systolic BP >200 in ED

    ESRD – on HD Tue, Thu, and Sat

    Past surgical history:

    AV fistula – L forearm


    Atorvastatin 40 mg PO daily

    Lantus 24 units subcutaneous nightly

    Admelog 9 units subcutaneous 3x daily before meals

    Lisinopril 10 mg PO daily


    No known food or environmental allergies

    Family History:

    Mother- diabetes – deceased age 88

    Father- hypertension – deceased age 86

    Social History:

    Mr Z is a married 71 year old male living in an apartment with his wife and is independent in ADLs and IADLs. Current everyday smoker, 1 cigarette per day x40 years. Does not drink alcohol, or use drugs. Retired delivery driver.  

    Travel-No recent travel

    Sleep-Sleeps 5 hours per night

    Visual Impairment: None

    Hearing impairment: None

    Falls in the past year: None

    Assistive devices used: None

    Gait Impairment: None

    Urinary incontinence: None

    Fecal incontinence: None

    Osteoporosis: None

    Cognitive Impairment: None

    Depression: None

    Home safety issues: None

    Health Care Proxy: Yes – son

    Advance directives: DNR/DNI

    Review of Systems:
    General-See HPI

    Skin, hair, nails – Denies changes in texture, excessive dryness or sweating, discolorations, pigmentations, moles/rashes, pruritus or changes in hair distribution.

    Head – Denies head trauma, LOC, fracture

    Eyes – Denies lacrimation, erythema

    Ears – Denies tinnitus, discharge, ear pain, hearing changes

    Nose/sinuses – Denies discharge, epistaxis, obstruction

    Mouth/throat – Denies bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, voice changes. Does not follow with dentist

    Neck – Denies lumps, swelling, decreased ROM

    Pulmonary system – Admits nonproductive cough. Denies SOB, dyspnea, wheezing, hemoptysis, orthopnea, PND

    Cardiovascular system –Denies CP, palpitations, irregular heartbeat, edema of LE, syncope

    Gastrointestinal system-  See HPI

    Genitourinary – Denies frequency, dysuria, incontinence, nocturia, hematuria

    Nervous –Denies seizures, loss of consciousness

    Musculoskeletal– Denies joint pain, deformity, swelling

    Hematological system –Denies bleeding, easy bruising, lymph node enlargement, blood transfusions


    Temp 38.2 C oral

    BP 189/109

    HR 99 RRR

    RR 20

    Sp02 100%

    Wt 79.4 kgs

    Ht 167.6 cm

    BMI 28.3

    Physical exam:

    General: Uncomfortable appearing elderly male on BIPAP, well groomed, nontoxic appearing. Appears stated age.

    Skin:   warm & moist, good turgor. capillary refill <2 seconds throughout. No jaundice or pallor. No petechiae or rash.

    Hair:   average quantity and distribution

    Head: normocephalic, atraumatic, no signs of injury

    Eyes – symmetrical; sclera white; conjunctiva pink and moist, no discharge. PERRLA, EOMI

    Nose –  Nasal mucosa moist. No rhinorrhea, congestion, masses, trauma, or deformities

    Lips –  Pink, moist; no cyanosis or lesions.  

    Neck – +JVD, FROM, supple, no rigidity. Trachea midline.   No masses; lesions; scars noted. no stridor noted. no palpable adenopathy noted.

    Chest – Symmetrical, no deformities, no evidence trauma. No paradoxic respirations or use of accessory muscles noted. No nasal flaring or retractions

    Lungs – On BIPAP. Crackles at bilateral bases. Apices clear to auscultation bilaterally, no wheezes

    Heart:   RRR. S1 and S2 are distinct with no murmurs, S3 or S4. No friction rubs appreciated.

    Abdomen: Flat and symmetrical without striae or pulsations noted. Bowel sounds normoactive in all four quadrants. Soft, nondistended, nontender to palpation. Tympanic throughout, no guarding or rebound noted. Negative Murphy’s sign. No hepatosplenomegaly or CVA tenderness appreciated.

    Extremities: No cyanosis or clubbing. Left upper extremity AV fistula with palpable thrill. Non-pitting edema bilateral LE. DP/PT pulses 2+

    Neuro: Alert, no focal deficit noted. No asterixis

    Chest xray – portable, 1 view: Impression: Bilateral predominantly perihilar consolidations may reflect multifocal pneumonia or pulmonary edema


    71 year old male with past medical history of HTN, DM, ESRD on HD presents for nausea, nonbloody vomit, abdominal discomfort, chills, nonproductive cough x1 day. On BIPAP for concern of pulmonary edema and fluid overload. CXR with bilateral perihilar consolidations may reflect multifocal pna or pulmonary edema.

    • Acute respiratory failure 2/2 pulmonary edema vs multifocal pneumonia
      • CXR showed perihilar consolidations
      • COVID negative
      • Cefepime 1 gram and vancomycin 1 gram
      • Follow up blood cultures
      • Discuss case with ID
      • Lactate 1.1, procalcitonin 0.35, continue to monitor
      • Inpatient hemodialysis
      • Continue BIPAP
    • ESRD
      • Inpatient HD
      • Renal diet
      • Limit sodium and fluid intake
      • Monitor I&Os
      • Lasix 80 mg daily
    • HTN
      • Losartan 50 mg, labetalol 200 mg q12 hours and amlodipine 10 mg daily
      • Monitor BP
    • DM
      • Finger stick q6 hours
      • Continue current regimen
    • Tobacco use
      • Smoking cessation counseling
    • DVT PPx
      • IPCD
      • Lovenox 30 mg subcutaneous once daily